Vision for a Better Tomorrow
Essential to justice is universal equality, which requires that every person be treated according to the same standards and with the same respect, regardless of class, race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, or any other social category. This motivates me in the following essential areas: Supporting law enforcement and public safety efforts to protect communities while upholding civil rights and just practices. Defending reproductive freedom and ensuring access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare for all. Advocating for the rights, dignity, and care of veterans who have served their country. Promoting the well-being and supporting the needs of senior citizens in their later years.
Raise the statewide minimum wage to lift families out of poverty
Invest in job training and workforce development programs in underserved areas
Support the growth of minority and women-owned businesses through technical training and improved access to capital
Strengthen consumer protections and crack down on predatory lending
Increase funding to public schools in low-income areas to improve resources and opportunities
Expand access to early childhood education programs and pre-K statewide
Increase teacher pay and incentivize highly qualified teachers
Reform student disciplinary processes to address racial inequities
Advocating for the Leandro Case
Family Justice
Family Court Reform
Increase judges and mediators to prevent case backlogs.
Legal aid funding to ensure all families can access counsel in civil cases like custody disputes and help for parents facing child protection intervention.
Establish Foster Kids’ Bill of Rights addressing healthcare, education, housing
Increase investments in child abuse prevention programs and child protective services.
Increase tax credits like the Child tax Credit to help family’s meet children's basic needs like food, housing, and childcare
Increase affordable housing stock through new mixed-income developments and community land trusts
rent control measures and tenant protections against displacement and eviction
Address homelessness through supportive housing programs and services
Develop fair housing rules to combat housing discrimination
Medicaid Expansion
Launched in NC December 1, 2023, and within 2 months over 344,000 were enrolled.
Medicaid expansion (ME) is linked to significantly better health coverage rates
ME can advance racial equity.
ME provides an especially critical boost to rural hospitals, many of which are at risk of closing.
Medicaid expansion helps protect people from catastrophically high out-of-pocket medical costs.
ME is linked to earlier detection, diagnosis, and treatment of serious medical conditions.
We must protect ME for North Carolina!
Mental Health
Declare mental health a priority public health issue and destigmatize mental illness
Added a policy to reform Medicaid rates/policies to better incentivize providers to accept Medicaid patients, aiming to expand access by retaining and recruiting providers
Invest in school counseling, crisis intervention, and wrap-around care
Develop community-based mental health outreach tailored for marginalized groups
Reform laws regarding involuntary commitment and psychiatric holds to emphasize patient rights